Underwear troubles


I read JDs story then decided to send my own story. Its not really a story for it something Ill always live to remember.
Actually, Ive had problem with washing my underwears everyday, hence, I have it all washed up at the end of the week. By then it would have piles up to a considerable ammount. On this particular week, when I packed my underwears only to realise that its been eating underneath by rats. They ate it to form a shpe of "O", I didnt know what to do cos I dont have any spare ones as the ones eaten by the rats are my latest

Afterwards, I decided to manage the underwears for some time, at least, till I can afford another set of undies, but I always make sure no one is aware of it, poor me! I never knew I was keeping what my roomates is already aware of.

Then came this day that I had friends who came to visit me from school, they are guys, they came into m! y room, I didnt know the wardrobe was opened. My roomates all the while made sure underwears were conspicuous enough for the guys to see. All i realised was that they were laughing, my friend was having her share of it.

By the time I realised, you could have seen the way I looked,
especially when one of these guys had been begging me to go out on a date with him and Ive been declining.
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