Fallen Panties


OK, it was a regular morning getting ready for school, i had just showered and was taking some nice warm pants out of the dryer. i shoved them on. they were baggy pants, so i didnt notice anything unusual.

i got to school early and walked around talking to friends until the class bell rang. i went in to science and still nothing was out of the ordinary.. my teacher droned about mitosis, after about thirty minutes i dropped my pencil. i bent down under my chair searching for it and what do i see- my underwear is on the science room floor!

i freaked out, and tried to cover it with my shoe ( i was wearing converse hi-tops, theyre really slim and didnt cover much) then took my binder, set it on the floor, and scooped them in real fast. no one saw it, apparently... but they had gotten stuck in the leg of my pants while they were drying!

I always check the pant legs before i wear any pants fresh out of the dryer.
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