Thats NOT the toilet!


I was sixteen. My boyfriend(18) and i were at a party getting drunk, smoking weed and all that fun stuff. Well my man had a little too much to drink...Hes used to sleeping in my room, so he went up to the room we had chosen for the night. At about six in the morning *Ron* gets up, eyes still closed, walks over to where my bathroom WOULD BE and starts pissing on my friend Mark!

After about a minute we all come running in the room, mark wakes up to see a golden shower. When ron realized everyone was watching him piss, he got this huge shit grin on his face. We were all laughing so hard we almost couldn't notice our hangovers! I was soooo embarrassed. Even worse, his really hot friend cleaned up the pee on the floor.

Ron didn't remember anything when he woke up. To this day he doesn't believe us!
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