Fire Disaster!


This was in year ten, and I still had a certain - um - underdeveloped body part. Anyway, after gym, I was in the shower, when the Fire Drill sounded. I pulled on some shoes and put a towel around me.

Since there was only cold water, it had grown even smaller. I went outside and lined up with my form. Everyone had a laugh because I was in a towel. I tried to ignore it, until I was lining up and the girl behind me grabbed my towel and threw it to someone else. I turned around in shock, giving her full view, then ran around looking for my towel.

The whole school saw how small my penis was (boys and girls), and everyone had a laugh. Everyone except me, that is.

The next day there were pictures everywhere of me with my hands in the air, full-frontal-nudity. Every time I think all the pictures are gone more appear. This will never go down, and girls still try to pull my pants down to see if it had grown.

And hasn't!
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