The Naked Garage Sale


Well my daughter was moving into a new house since she had recently gotten married, so they were having a garage sale at my house, but of course I was not told which I probably wouldnt even have cared if I was told. But It did bite me in the ass.

I took a shower and left the bathroom with not towel or anything like I usually do cause It doesnt bother me walkin around my house naked, so I went into the garage to get some some clothes out of the laundry but it was empty so I went to leave but the door wouldnt open.

I may have been there a good 10 minutes before I decided I'd just go through the front and swing around through the backyard and hope nobody see me, cause I may not mind my wife and kids seeing me naked but other people was a different story.

So I opened the garage door to see a good 15-20 people in my drive way and we all just froze and until after what felt like an enternity my son-in-law, being closest actually walked in a few steps and hit the door.

But now I was stuck inside the garage naked with my son in-law. With of course nowhere to hide for cover since it was all outside...we just sat there in the awkward silence until my wife finally came in through the house and opened the door.. I still walk around naked but I make sure the door doesnt close when I go into the garage.
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