A prank gone wrong..


While working nightshift on the cleaning crew for a department store chain, many times it was just the boss and myself responsible for cleaining the entire store.

Most stores will shut most of their lights off when they close, leaving just enough lights on for us to see what were doing. Well..... my boss always got his thrills by scaring the living hell out of me. I was a very timid young man in my early twenties, and was afraid of my own shadow. One night, the boss is trying to teach me how to operate this new floor scrubber.

This machine looks like one of those zambonies they use on an ice rink - it has two rotating pads, and a big squeegee/vacuum on the back. Anyway, this machine was self-propelled, all I had
to do was steer it. So.... there I was, running the scrubber,
and the boss had gone off "to answer the phone." I bring the
scrubber up near the pharmacy and was about to turn it around, little to my knowlege the boss is hiding behind the stockroom doors, ready to jump out at me. He thought I saw him through the windows, but I didnt. He comes tearing out of the stock room and scared me half to death. I was so scared that I let go of the machine, and it took off across the carpet (its designed for tile floors!) and started crashing into the glass shelves
in the domestics department!

By that time the boss is screaming at me, "Dont just stand there! Go get the machine!" But I was so scared I couldnt move! The boss thought he was going to have to call 911, thats how scared I was. And I think at that point he was more scared that I was! Anyway, we had this nice, white, 3-foot wide stripe on the carpet all through the domestics department, along with several broken shelves!

Next night, we had to get our carpet cleaning guy in there to shampoo the carpet to get the stripe out. My boss never let me live that one down...
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