Incy Wincy Spider...


Ok, well i was 17 and staying over at my boyfriends house. Now i was really looking forward to this night, and it definately was one i wont forget, but for all the wrong reasons.

Me and my boyfriend were having sex and he had his hand clamped over my mouth in order to prevent me moaning as his mum slept in the next room and the walls were very thin. Well anyway, this bit may sound really pathetic but after i had climaxed he removed his hand from my mouth, thinking he was on the safe side. It just so happens that one of my greatest fears, a spider, appears and just start screaming. His mum bursts in and theres her son still on top of me with both of our pants round our ankles. She just muttered sorry and walked out. I dont know who was more redder, me or her. Lets say i never slept there again...
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