Underwear Trouble


One day when i was 17 in my last year of school, i was late for the morning school assembly. The school hall had some steps all the way along one side and any latecomers used to sit on these steps. I took a seat near the bottom of the steps, as it was winter i was wearing longish skirt with a white half-slip which i smoothed down over my ankles.

When the assembly was over, the latecomers on the steps were also the first to leave so i started to walk toward the exit only a few yards away. However, when i stood up the heel of my shoe had got caught in the lace hem on the bottom of my half-slip. As i walked toward the exit, my shoe pulled down the slip and it fell around my ankles. Another step forward and of course i tripped head first onto the floor. My skirt flew up on the way down, so there was i lying head first with my panties showing and my slip around my ankles. It took about three attempts to get to my feet, i grabbed my slip and ran off down the corridor.

There were about 500 people watching and i don't think any of them missed it, certainly the laughter is something i can still hear to this day.
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