oh, by the way..nice butt!


My most embarring moment was in 7th grade.

Two of my best friends and i spent that night together. We decided to walk down to the store that was about 2 blocks away. Well the street that we had to walk on was really busy. It was about 10:30 at night. This was also a Saturday. Well we were really hyper and they dared me to moon the cars going by.

So i did. Boy do i wish i hadnt, come monday.

I had a really cute guy teacher, that i had a crush on, he was in his early twenties. Well anyway after the bell rang he asked me to stay after. Well my two friends stayed right outside the door listening. He told me he had saw me on walking Saturday night. And im like coool. And I'm thinking hopefully he didnt see too much. Well he let me go and right before i walked out the door, he says "oh Danielle" and im like "yeah?" he goes" well dont tell anyone this cos ill get into trouble but, nice BUTT." i turned beetred. i turned and walked out the door not sayign anything else. The worst part was, standing right outside the door my girlfriends had heard everything.

Needless to say i didnt really say much in his class the rest of the year, and if he called on me i couldnt quite meet his eyes.
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